Some performance questions we may meet during using UV NDT lamp.

Some performance questions we may meet during using UV NDT lamp.

2020-1-11 sunlonge


There are many out there to choose from, so I am seeking advice from someone who has hands-on experience with UV NDT lamps before I request a commitment from my company for this sort of investment. Any info will be appreciated.
We found that the Ultra-High Intensity UV Lamps gave the best results. They are a little more expensive than some, but for the amount of use we provide these and the life length, we felt spending a little extra on the quality of the product was worth it.
    Be aware of the fact that these are high intensity LED and are solid emitters of UV-A and Light. There are some concerns about the cumulative effects of light-emitting devices, particularly as they relate to the damaging impacts on the human eye.
   Maybe google this before you jump over as you may want to look at what type of filtering you may want to employ with these lamps.
After a trial of multiple LED UV inspection lamps at a previous company, many of the technicians found the light to be somewhat annoying when performing prolonged inspections in a dark room, especially on smooth or finished machined surfaces. At the end of the trial, the consensus was to stick with the exact  UV LED LAMP SL8104 which they were trying to replace! The UV LED LAMP SL8104
is still my personal favorite.
Someone also brings up a good point about the potentially harmful light emission this high-intensity UV NDT lamps to produce; I would recommend either renting or requesting a demo before making the LED switch.