Baugh & Weedon paves the way for Kodak’s imaging legacy

Baugh & Weedon paves the way for Kodak’s imaging legacy

2020-4-5 sunlonge

Baugh & Weedon paves the way for Kodak’s imaging legacy to return to the NDT market in the UK and Ireland.
Baugh & Weedon Ltd has announced that from 1 April 2020, it will be the UK and Ireland circulation partner for Kodak commercial X-ray films, working together with the Kodak group in Rochester, USA, to provide the very best in movie quality and an option for the NDT industry. On 6 May 2019, Eastman Kodak Company revealed the introduction of Kodak industrial X-ray films and chemicals for NDT to the United States market before trying to find the right partners to broaden its global network. The reintroduction of NDT X-ray movie items highlights Kodak’s ongoing commitment to and investment in film. Kodak’s reintroduction of Ektachrome movie is a current example of the renewal in need for analog film.

Baugh & Weedon’s level of know-how and experience within NDT and using film for NDT applications implies that it is an outstanding business partner and suitable for Kodak. With an across the country applications/sales group and bases in Hereford, Aberdeen, Birmingham and St Albans, Baugh & Weedon is well geared up to provide the Kodak product range to the UK market with self-confidence and professionalism. Significantly, Baugh & Weedon is holding film stock on-site for instant delivery.

Mike Reilly, CEO of Baugh & Weedon, said: “Having worked with Kodak in the 2000s, I am happy to be positively supporting their return to the UK commercial movie market. Kodak film is renowned for its consistency and quality and we will intend to provide exceptional service and worth to our customers in the UK and Ireland. In addition to our FINDER variety of magnetic screening (MT)/ penetrant screening (PT) chemicals and NDT Italiana couplants, Baugh & Weedon is now using a complete range of NDT consumables.”
Movie radiography is an NDT method utilized to inspect internal stability when inspecting parts and assemblies in the aerospace, oil and vehicle markets. The ruggedness and flexibility of film make it ideal for use in severe conditions. Kodak commercial X-ray movies are ASTM E1815 licensed, with a rugged toughness for high-demand applications. Kodak’s T-grain emulsion provides innovation that maximizes contrast and reduces noise. Customers can expect great attention to information for each speed range with a sufficient image quality and tone. Providing exceptional processing flexibility, Kodak industrial movies work in long and brief cycles. They are resistant to fixed and heat and incredibly durable.

” Kodak movie products have earned us a long-standing reputation as a leader in quality,” stated Nagraj Bokinkere, General Manager, Commercial Films, Kodak. “We are delighted to offer what we expect will be market-leading Kodak commercial X-ray films and chemicals at an appealing price.”

Baugh & Weedon will have the complete Kodak series of movies and chemicals at its UK shows this year.