How to find the best aviation and industrial NDT supplies for you

How to find the best aviation and industrial NDT supplies for you

2022-7-28 sunlonge

How to find the best aviation and industrial NDT supplies for you


Global economic growth is reflected in increased demand for air travel, particularly in developing countries with a burgeoning middle class. As a result, major aircraft manufacturers have years of backlog. Increased weather is also boosting private and personal aircraft sales. Manufacturers and the suppliers are continually evaluating manufacturing process efficiency. Inspections are a vital step in manufacturing processes. Efficiency and accuracy can-not be compromised.


The composites revolution in carbon fiber reinforced polymers transformed many aviation manufacturing techniques and required new inspection techniques, in addition to established requirements for aluminum, titanium, alloy, and ceramic component inspections. With this diversity and complexity of inspection needs, how can manufacturers find the best aviation and industrial NDT supplies for their needs?


Every aviation manufacturer has a unique set of inspection needs. How do you find the best aviation and industrial NDT supplies that provide the required efficiency and inspection quality? Based on years of working directly with aviation and aerospace manufacturers, we propose two criteria to help evaluate NDT suppliers: single source supplier and engineering service.

Manufacturer strive to reduce the number of suppliers. A single source provider should offer a full range of solutions both standard and customized products. A supplier with these capabilities understands how the various components work together, can recommend the best tools for specific use cases, and can explain the advantages and disadvantages of one method or technology over another. A single source provider is best qualified to establish a long-term consultative relationship, which in turn will help ensure you have the best supplier for your inspection needs.

In large scale manufacturing environment inspection speed can be greatly improved with the aid of consulting and engineering services to develop customized solutions to meet unique inspection requirements. And a supplier with years of industry experience will evaluate your specific needs, as well as constraints. Based on this evaluation and an understanding of current industry best practices, the supplier will collaborate to develop the most efficient solutions to address your needs.

During the Covid period, the aviation industry is experience tremendous loss, to the point where manufacturers and the suppliers are challenged to keep up with the new demand. Work with a supplier who can meet all your need, from the standard products, to the customized solutions to meet your unique inspection requirements.

Sunlonge is a trusted name in NDT solutions and supplies for more than 15 years. Our standard and customize-design products are designed to meet the wide range of aviation inspection demand. We will also keep working closely with our partner in the field.