Somethings you need to know about UV flashlight

Somethings you need to know about UV flashlight

时间:2024-7-29 编辑:sunlonge

UV flashlights are amazing tools for us observing thing that are normally invisible. But with so many choices and technical terms, it can be a bit confusing and challenging to know if you are making the right purchase. Today Sunlonge will guide to be assured that you can get the best products.

Somethings you need to know about UV flashlight

A UV flashlight emits ultraviolet radiation- a type of light energy. That is not visible to the human eye. When ultraviolet light hits certain objects, they can fluoresces- a phenomenon similar to a bright glow. Many objects and substances such as paints, dyes, minerals and body fluids exhibit fluorescence, which means that the presence of these things can be detected only when a UV light source shines on them.

UV lights have a wide variety of applications, but UV flashlights can be most useful in situations where portability and ease of use is important. UV flashlight are generally not strong enough to induce any chemical or physical reactions but provide enough UV light to observe fluorescence effects.

We know UV flashlight vary in the type and quality, it can be difficult to know if, and which UV flashlight will work for your particular use case without looking at the specifications. Usually 2 important factors to be consider before our selection:

Somethings you need to know about UV flashlight

1.Define the right wavelength. UV light is actually a general term for a wide range of UV wavelength across the UV spectrum. When looking for any UV light, it is extremely important to now what wavelength the light is emitting at. Why? Cos a UV light needs to induce fluorescence. Not all UV wavelengths are capable of producing sufficient fluorescence effects. Most fluorescence is strongest in the wavelengths around 365NM, Therefore, it is important that you purchase a UV flashlight with a wavelength at 365NM. Otherwise,the UV energy produced by the flashlight may be completely useless and producing the fluorescent glow you are looking for.

2.The UV intensity. Even the wavelength of UV light is correct if the UV intensity is not enough. Under same condition, the one with higher UV intensity, the stronger fluorescence will it induce. For most industrial application, we will need the UV flashlight with higher UV intensity, eg, UV curing, fluorescent leak detection, mineral identification and so on. So how do we measure the UV intensity? Unlike regular flashlights that use the lumens metric to describe brightness. Cos the UV is invisible. So usually we will need a professional UV light meter to define the UV intensity.

Somethings you need to know about UV flashlight

UV light is often portrayed in the media as harmful, So someone may be concerned about if the UV flashlights are safe? The short answer is, they are generally safe as long as you follow some common sense rules, which we discuss below.

And first, it is important to understand the risks behind UV light and where UV flashlights sit in terms of those risks. Just we discussed that wavelength and UV intensity are the determinants of how strong fluorescence effects are, the risk and danger of UV lights are also dependent on wavelength and UV intensity.

As the leading industrial UV light manufacturer in the field, Sunlonge produced the full set of UV flashlights series for customers with different request. Contact us for your request about UV flashlight, we are more reliable solution for all your requests.