Reasons to try SL1200 in leak detection service

Reasons to try SL1200 in leak detection service

时间:2024-7-29 编辑:sunlonge

Now UV lights are used in a wide range of industrial application, especially in the fluorescent leak detection industry. UV light is a good perfect tool for visually detecting small leaks in the related industry, which can find even the slight pinhole in the parts system, eg, AC, automotive engine system. A good UV light can be a powerful tool in leak detection service. So, you need to try Sunlonge new SL1200 UV light model. Here are the reasons:

1) UV intensity

UV intensity is the key factor when selecting a UV light for fluorescent leak detection. Cos with higher UV intensity, all fluorescent UV dye materials are tuned to better fluoresce. Sunlonge SL1200 is 1 pcs 3W 365NM UV LED light source. With the customized optical lens, the UV intensity can be 40 000 uw/cm2 at 15 inch distance, which is much higher compared with the related model from other suppliers. It makes SL1200 a powerful tool for in the leak detection service, as well as other NDT fields.

Reasons to try SL1200 in leak detection service

2) Beam area

The beam area of an UV light is measured of how much surface is above the minimum of 1000 uw/cm2, which is irradiated require of inspection. The Sunlonge SL1200 is with one LED. With our optical lens technology, we can adjust the irradiated area. The real beam area can be 100MM, which is much wider than other UV flashlights. We all know lamp with a large beam area will provide UV-A irradiation to the area peripheral to the inspection. This allows the inspector to quickly locate and identify fluorescent indication for closer inspection. Then time and labor cost both can be reduced.

Reasons to try SL1200 in leak detection service

  • Running time

For the UV light, running time is critical factor to consider before selection. Cos frequent charging will cost a lot of time and labor cost in the real service. SL1200 is with standard AAA battery pack. The running time can be 2.5H in the real inspection and the battery replacement can be quite easy in the inspection. A backup power can be prepared for urgent usage. Usually, one SL1200 can meet one day’s continuous work.

Selecting a good UV light is not easy. However, with the above 3 powerful strengths, Sunlonge SL1200 is definitely a good partner for you in the leak detection service.