UV lights are the best companion for detecting the leaks in all kinds of systems which are normal invisible to the human eyes. Not all the UV lights can be defined as the fluorescent leak detection light. Finally, a high quality one will create the best fluorescence possible for the appropriate application when paired with the fluorescent UV dye.
The key features of a fluorescent leak detection light are the wavelength, beam profile and UV intensity. The fluorescent UV dye naturally glows under varying wavelengths. But the best fluorescent results, UV lights are used because they can easily activate the fluorescent response. These wavelength fall within the 300-400NM range, peak at 365NM. This information is important because fluorescent leak detection lights need be carefully engineered to provide a strong, consistent beam profile. To help capture the leaks with certainty the light beam should be designed to form an evenly lit spot at roughly 38CM distance. Secondary, the fluorescent leak detection lights should feature high UV intensity. Then the very slight leaks can be detected and located easily which is hard for the regular ones. Third feature matters as well when selecting a fluorescent leak detection light. This can range from portability, power options and style.
Since there are many different lights on the market already, fluorescent UV dyes as well. In order to get the brightest leak detection response, you need to use the quality fluorescent UV dye with a real fluorescent leak detection light. Economy dyes typically have low levels of fluorescent material, making them lack the concentration necessary to give a bright fluorescent response when exiting a leak site.
Moreover, a high quality fluorescent UV dye is co-solvent free, fully miscible and certified. Co-solvents can lead to premature wear or outright damage to system components. Choosing a fluorescent UV dye that is co-solvent free, minimizes any potential compatibility issues.
Sunlonge is the leading manufacturer of ultraviolet light and fluorescent material. Due to the technology advantage, Sunlonge fluorescent leak detection light and fluorescent UV dye are approved and accepted by many heavy auto makers in the world, eg, Das-auto, Audi, Ford, Honda, Toyota and so on.
When pairing a Sunlonge fluorescent leak detection light and fluorescent UV dye together, it can create the optimal scenario for detect the exact source of every leak. Sunlonge fluorescent leak detection light are cordless and feature a compact design for getting into the tight space, durable light body and powerful, high intensity LEDs. They can last for couple of years of heavy use for continual leak detection inspection in the real service.